Monday, July 30, 2007

The fog begins to lift...

Four nights of tech at the theatre heading directly into four shows on the weekend makes for a very foggy brain. And certain songs running through my head...over and over and over... I'm a brass band, I'm a harpsichord...Sweet, sweet Charity...If my friends could see me no-ow!!!

The show, however exhausting it may be, is good though. H has lines and says them loudly, clearly and in character. She knows all her dances spot on. Now all we have to do is hope that "someone" notices and that it might lead to some more challenging roles in the future. Well that, and enjoy the show!

All day I've been getting the feeling I need to be somewhere tonight - but I have nowhere I have to go! Dinner can be at home - all of us together! Food from the grocery rather than a restaurant - no making do with fast food, no greasy pizza, slimy pasta or hurried pastries on the run!

I need a salad. Green, leafy, fresh, cool, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers - on the patio, in the cool evening, iced tea, sounds of water splashing in the fountain, lots of time, nowhere to be except in the moment. sigh...

Speaking of salads - H is considering becoming a vegetarian - not sure of the reason, but I can't imagine that it would be a bad thing for her to think more about what she's eating. Making smart decisions (I hope) about what makes up a good and balanced diet. Perhaps expanding her tiny repertoire of edible items. T and I have eschewed meat for some periods of time in our lives before this, but the whole vegetarian thing has been difficult when not everyone in the family is on the same page. Don't think W is ready to go totally in that direction, but I'm pretty sure he'd be willing to skip the meat at home - and that should make it all work.

I'm thinking I'll sit with the daughters and see what we can come up with to make this happen. Strike while the iron is hot as they say.

Didja see that tomato up there? It's the first one of the season. Some of us will be fighting over sharing it later....

Sunday, July 22, 2007


We stood interminably in Barnes and Noble on Friday night/Saturday morning to get our copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
We chatted with friends we haven't seen in ages until almost 2:00 in the morning.
We read until our eyes would no longer stay open.
We slept and then we read some more.
And we finished the book.
First T. then D. and then W.
It was not perfect, but it was good.
It was worth waiting for.

Load-in and tech week start tomorrow for Sweet Charity.

Being head of the the backstage crew, I talked W. into filling in on the night we were short a person backstage thinking we could work together and it'd be fun and all - and then I moved to followspots. So much for working together. Oh well, I can look down on the crew and see how they're doing from my little catwalk in the sky. And we'll look forward to enjoying our kid-friendly pasta with marinara sauce together at Friday's tech night dinner. YEAH!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Timing okay

Harry update

Finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I guess the timing isn't too bad - I think i can remember the story until the 21st...

I'm having a bit of withdrawal though. I keep finding myself thinking I'll just go grab my book and read some more when I realize there aren't any more books to read...yet.

So, I started watching the movies. Harry and gang were all so tiny at the beginning!
We're going to see the Order of the Phoenix on Tuesday - a day early. The best part is not having to stand in line for the midnight show - I'm too old to enjoy that anymore.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Edgar for your perusal

So H's end of 8th grade grades arrived a few days ago and they really weren't all that bad. Actually, they were mostly good. And even though she is unlikely to ever be a willing seamstress, she got an A+ for the quarter in sewing - probably because of Edgar.

You might know Edgar (or not) as the main character in Bat Boy the Musical - a favorite of our musical obsessed teen - which was performed this spring at a local high school.

The music is fun, the show quirky and the puppet something to be proud of.

He's quite the natty dresser in his Build-A-Bear Workshop outfit, huh?