Saturday, June 30, 2007

Just 'cause

My newest daylily. Just. Plain. Pretty.

P-p-p-pluggin' along

Harry Potter update...
Book #5 finished!
Book #6 started (did I really read this one before? It all seems so unfamiliar...)
Book #7 ordered (3 copies to pick up at midnight on the 21st.)

The family room is coming along nicely. It's actually turned out to be a room we all congregate in - something I thought might not happen. It's sunny and cheerful - even with no art on the walls yet. We have two prints being framed and then we'll have to figure out what to do with the long wall behind the couch.

W mounted the tv on the wall today - now it looks like a square lollipop on a stick (The "stick" hides the cords - we'll paint it to match the wall eventually.) The ceiling is so crooked, we had to put the tv at a slight slant to make it look normal.

Still to do:

  • replace furniture
  • install closet doors
  • add baseboard
  • make cushion(s) for window seat
  • fix outlets in tv wall
  • hang/place art
  • shop for rug

and a few other details but after 12 years, there is hope...

Oh! and we have a screen door! This year we can have more air and less bugs!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Progress made...

Finished the fourth Harry Potter book yesterday and started on #5 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I think I might actually manage to finish them in a timely manner! Yippee! I guess if I don't time it right this time, I'm out of chances.

Hoping to pick up a paperback copy of Book 6 (for easier - and lighter - reading) and pre-order our copies of Book 7 this week.

Also trying to get organized enough to add some photos of recently creative moments. However, no progress made there...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Yeah, I thought that might happen...

So I've disappeared off the blog for a while. Some down time was logical - Cinderella tech week and followspots for six shows mid-to-late May, but after that, well...

Anyway, I found this fun thing on a blog somewhere - Library Thing - where you can catalog all your books online and I'm not really sure why you would want to do that but I do like the little cover pictures very much and the site tells me that I will find many people who have book libraries just like mine - though I'm not sure that's a good thing...

And really, it just fits in with what I was thinking of writing about anyway.

I'm gearing up for Harry Potter. I have to say that I'm not as excited about it as I have been in the past - probably because H isn't obsessive this time, but I'm definitely looking forward to reading the last book. So in the meantime, I've started reading all the others - allowing myself about a week for each one. Of course then, I finished the first book in two days and I'm almost done with the second - and I still have 5 and a half weeks left.

Well, the longer books should take longer to read, right?

And somehow, if I'm not too sick of Harry and the gang, I'll have to watch the movies too so we can go see the new one when it comes out.

Last time we got to go to a fun preview the day before it came out with gift bags and a meal in addition to seeing the movie early - and all we had to do was watch a few "Advantage" comercials - and they're pretty cute anyway - Hello Mother, Hello Father...
I wouldn't mind doing that again...